Every female wants to have a bigger butt so as to look sexy and charming, you can simply have it without working so much for it, yes without hard working.....
In this article you will see how to get a bubble butt. Fortunately this is something you can get without too much trouble and effort. It will require some effort and dedication but practically anyone can do it.
So where do you start, what do you have to do to get a bubble butt? There are few different things you can do to get a really round and perky butt.
The buttocks are primarily made up of muscle but also fat. Strengthening the muscles will make your booty firmer, rounder and bigger. So if small changes are what you are after, exercise (together with a good diet) is all you need.
However when we are talking about bubble butts we tend to think of really big and well rounded booties. In order to get that muscle alone is not enough, you also need to add fat to it. The fat will add a fair bit of volume to your booty and strong muscles will keep it round and firm. So we need to get muscle and fat on our booties. Now to the methods that will get you there.
Exercise: Though many activities are good for training the buttocks (running, walking, cycling) I will only go over the most effective butt building exercises, the ones that will give you results, fast.
• Frog squats: these differs to ordinary squats as you keep your feet apart (sort of like a V) Do them slowly to maximize resistance and to avoid putting strain on your knees
• Kneeling Sidekicks: You get down on all fours, lift your leg as high as you can and kick sideways. Change your legs and repeat
• Lunges: Stand upright, feet together and take one long deep step forward until your thigh is parallel to the floor (don't go further as this can damage your knee) get back up and repeat, change legs and start over again
• Bridges: You lay flat on the floor, pull your legs up until they have an angle of 45 degrees. Keep your feet flat on the floor and lift your butt as high as you can while squeezing your buttocks. Repeat until it gets difficult.
• Standing leg raises: Stand up with you feet together holding on to a doorpost or pole. Then raise your leg sideways as high as you can, lower it slowly and repeat. Change legs. If you think this is too easy, put a small weight around your ankle.
Do these exercises at least three times week. Make sure to eat well after work outs as the muscles need to recover in order to grow. Eat healthy natural foods, make sure you eat little more protein. A good diet could consist of fish, meat, vegetables, fruit, cereals, milk and eggs.
There are also some foods that are particularly good for butt building. This is because they will help you to put some fat on your booty. Putting fat on the booty is necessary in order to get a bubble butt as muscle alone cannot give it the volume you wish.
Eating nuts is good for this. Nuts contain fatty acids and Omega 3 and this will be stored in your butt thus "fattening it up". Eating fatty fish like salmon or taking fish oil will have the same effect. Drinking milk is also excellent for building a bubble butt so drink plenty of milk.
See also how to build a bigger butt for flat people
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